Dr. Lindsay Crowley Hower graduated from Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine, completing her clinical year at The Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine. Before that, she studied at Cornell University where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Animal Science. Recently, Lindsay has earned her certification in Veterinary Acupuncture after studying under Huisheng Xie, DVM, PhD at the Chi Institute.
Growing up in Cleveland, Ohio, Lindsay always dreamed of becoming a veterinarian, but her career goals were solidified through her relationship with her horse Larry, registered with the Jockey Club as Mt. Laramie. Larry’s health issues made Lindsay want nothing more than to become the doctor that could help animals like him. “Larry was always there for me during all of my education from High School through the completion of my internship at Equine Veterinary Specialists. Often times, he was my reason for pressing on when life was difficult. When he passed away in March 2013, I decided that my practice would be named Mt. Laramie Veterinary Services to honor his memory” explains Dr. Crowley. “I loved Larry so much, and felt the way every pet owner does when his beloved animal is sick or injured. My bond with Larry has allowed me to empathize with my clients in their animal’s time of need, and for that I am truly grateful.”
Dr. Hower is currently learning animal chiropractic techniques to enhance the alternative therapies Mt. Laramie Veterinary Services can offer. Lindsay now lives in Aguanga with her husband, Jason. Together, Jason and Lindsay have six seven dogs, two three horses, two mules, and one six cats living with them on their ranch.

Larry at his best!